MJ and Lyz live together in a small town in the bay area of San Francisco with their two children.
Mike Joseph

MJ is a Network Engineer working in Silicon Valley for a major tech company. He enjoys traveling, which he is able to do frequently for both work and pleasure. On weekends you can find him attending one of the frequent San Francisco Bay Area picnics, farmers markets or Linux User Groups, checking out the latest exhibit at a local attraction, working on his servers or soaking up some relaxing time at home.
Elizabeth K. Joseph

Lyz is a Linux Systems Administrator by trade who now runs the Open Source Program Office for her department at a Fortune 100 technology company. She frequently speaks at technology conferences and has written two books about open source technologies. She is also a board member of the non-profit Partimus which collects donated computers from businesses to put open source software on and offer free managed labs underserved communities and schools in the San Francisco Bay Area. Other hobbies include traveling, reading, fixing up and using old typewriters, and hiking.